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Give now using the Zelle banking app. Get it on your phone or in your online banking account.


Direct deposit, 100% of your gift

goes to CCI, our missionaries, & projects.




Please make out to "Christ Church International".


Mailing Address:

Christ Church International

PO BOX 2125 

Longmont, CO 80502


Please Note: For tax purposes, we must reserve the right to direct all funds as needed. However, we will do our very best to make sure gifts are used for the desired designation. Please do not write on the check the name(s) of the missionaries or projects.


Please Note:

PayPal takes. 3% cut. Which means PayPal gets $3 for every $100 gift.


For regular tithes, gifts or larger gifts, please give by Check, ACH, or a digital service such as Zelle.

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